Making Industrial Changes

Protocols To Follow When Completing Food-Grade Fabrication

If you need to make adjustments to your food-grade environment -- such as adding in a new railing system -- you have to follow strict rules because of the food contents involved. You'll succeed with whatever type of fabrication you plan on completing around this special site by taking a couple of precautions.

Start by Using the Right Materials

The materials you use during these fabrication projects have to be carefully selected because they must have the right properties to start any fabrication project off on the right note. For instance, if you were looking to weld or cut stainless steel, you have to verify it's approved by food-grade regulatory bodies.

Then you reduce the risk of contamination and causing health issues around areas where food is managed and processed. There should be a list of approved materials so that you don't have to struggle with this selection process or guess at any point.

Prevent Corrosion at All Costs

If some of your materials being fabricated were able to develop corrosion, that could potentially create openings that food particles could collect around. Then these structures won't be hygienic. You thus need to prevent corrosion from developing throughout these fabrication processes at all costs. 

You can safeguard yourself from corrosion from the beginning by using steel and alloys that are corrosion-resistant. Then you'll have more protections in place, which ultimately allows you to fabricate without having to be as hesitant. Designing fabrication in a smart way can also prevent corrosion around a food-grade environment, such as avoiding crevices where food particles could collect.

Be Careful with Thermal Stress

Another thing you have to watch out for when completing fabrication around a food-grade environment is thermal stress. It happens when you work with any sort of material, whether you're cutting or bending it. If it happens too much though, materials being fabricated can end up breaking down and that can again create areas where food particles can collect.

Make sure you're using the right fabrication equipment and review tolerances of materials in regards to thermal stress. Then you won't fabricate past an unsafe point where temperatures cause material damage.

Food-grade environments are unique in that they require special protocols to be followed during fabrication. If you spend time really thinking about how you can set up the proper fabrication environment and follow strict protocols to the letter, you won't be exposed to complications. 

Contact a company like Cano Processing to learn more.