Making Industrial Changes

Regulations And Restrictions That Might Affect Steel Welding On Your Project

Welding is what literally holds much of a metal structure together, so the welds and the materials used must meet strict standards. Among these standards are restrictions that could require you to use more specific types of welding or alloys to meet additional codes. If you don't meet these restrictions, your final structure could either be too weak to withstand environmental forces, or it could meet with delays and cost overruns during construction.

Quake Codes

If you're building in a quake-prone area, you know that your structure will have to meet strict seismic codes. There is a specific supplemental design code that you and your welders should reference if your structure will include welding. This code describes not only the materials that are allowed and the welding procedures that must be used but also the qualifications of the welders doing the work.

If you're building in a quake zone for the first time, know that these are not codes that you can skip. Your building and the welds used must be strong enough to withstand the shaking that could affect the building. Merely using a strong alloy for welding, or welding a lot, won't suffice.

Fracture Control

While fracture control applies to an entire structure and not just the welding (and it also tends to apply to bridge-building above everything else), it remains a critical part of the metal-construction process and influences which materials you choose for welding. Any part of a structure that could create a catastrophic collapse if just that part were to break is considered critical and needs to be supported specifically to reduce the chances of the structure failing and of the part breaking.

Alloy Strength Tables

One problem that welders often encounter is that strong alloys are sometimes not weldable. While it's natural for you to want to use the strongest possible alloy in a weld, you have to cross-reference those strong alloys with a list of weldable alloys. If you or your welders look at tables of alloy strengths when choosing welding material, take a look at the welding capability of the same alloys to ensure you don't start a job only to find the material isn't what you need.

Welding is more than just melting some metal with flame. Professional welders know that they need to keep different regulations and restrictions in mind as they gather supplies and evaluate a job. For more information about structural steel welding, reach out to a professional near you.